Sunday, February 14, 2021

Love of the Sweetest Kind


Several Valentine Day’s ago, I was in the midst of writing a book. In order to get the right pace, patter, and passion I had Word read several iterations of the same paragraph. Every once in a while, my resident hero would walk by my office and recite what he heard and comment. He made me laugh.

As we got close to dinner time and my pots were all cold (creative credit to Santana), we went out to dinner at our favorite hamburger joint.

When I put the menu down there was a card in front of me. My hero is thoughtful, witty, supportive, and so much more, but Valentine’s Day is just not his thing. The card really made me smile and I hadn’t opened it. When I did, I was full out laughing.

What do you think?

Love of the Sweetest Kind

“Here?” she whispered to him sweetly.

“We’re alone,” he said discreetly.

“I’ve been good till now!” she sighed.

“But you’re human!” he replied.

“It’s so big!” she hesitated.

“It’s all yours,” he proudly stated.

“Oh, I shouldn’t!” she protested.

“If you love me -!” he suggested.

And so, losing all resistance,

she gave in to his insistence …


and ate every single chocolate in the box!

Happy Belated Valentine’s Day!


A special thank you to my hero and Hallmark Cards.

More heart throbbing dialogue can be found in my stories.

The Ladies of Sommer-by-the-Sea

Welcome to Sommer-by-the-Sea, a vibrant village nestled on the rugged northeast coast of England, 15 miles north of Newcastle upon Tyne. Here, the world is centered on the country village and the lives of the landowning and professional families. Sommer-by-the-Sea is populated with aristocrats, gentry, self-made men, shop owners, local workers, and servants, a cross-section of the people of the time. Steeped in history dating back as far as the Vikings, the villagers are proud and celebrate their heritage.

Everyone from the elite summer residents to the year-round residence keep businesses flourishing and gossip thriving. As with any small town, there are challenges and successes, secrets, disagreements, and feuds. There is no shortage of romance, mystery, drama, and even a murder or two.

Graduates of the Sommer-by-the-Sea Female Seminary have a unique education. Along with the usual studies available, the head mistress has nurtured each woman’s innate ability and helped them develop into the women they are today. This shared unique experience has kept the graduates close.

Each lady has her own story to tell as she is called to action and must demonstrate she is smart, strong and sensible and must challenge the accepted definition of a “woman’s place.” For these women, arranged or political marriages will not do. If she chooses a husband, it will be for love, on her own terms, and with a man who will accept her as a partner. 

It is with pleasure I introduce you to The Ladies of Sommer-by-the-Sea, and their stories.

Available at Amazon

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