Thursday, December 23, 2021

December - You’re amazing! Happy Birthday.


As promised, on the 23rd of every month I will post a list of literary author birthdays. I came across the list on Book Lover Gifts website. Feel free to add your favorite authors special day. Put it in the comments section, just wait for their birth month.


  • 09 Dec 1608 – John Milton, author of Paradise Lost
  • 12 Dec 1821 – Gustave Flaubert, author of Madame Bovary
  • 16 Dec 1775 – Jane Austen, author of Pride & Prejudice
  • 30 Dec 1865 – Rudyard Kipling, author of Jungle Book


December Facts:

  • The first day of Winter, the Winter Solstice, is December 21 or 22 and is the shortest day and the longest night.
  • In 700 BCE, December was shortened to 29 days. It was changed to 31 days with the advent of the Julian calendar.
  • December’s full moon is known as the Cold Moon, a Mohawk name that conveys the frigid conditions of this time of year.
  • Folklore: December changeable and mild, the whole winter will remain a child.


This is the end of the year. It’s been fun. Have a wonderful New Year!

