There is an Easter Egg hidden in the picture above. Find my hidden Easter egg in the picture above and you're on your way to winning the Grand Prize.
Return to the event page and hop on over to the next author OR the links below. Here is the link to Author/Egg Matching Worksheet in a google doc. The eggs are all mixed up, so your egg are NOT next to the correct author. They are mixed up so you can write the egg number next to author's name. When you're done, either e-mail Heather McCollum a list of authors with egg numbers or pictures of your sheets with lines marching the eggs to the correct author.
I have my own game for you, for added fun...
- Follow this link to a jigsaw puzzle
- Put the puzzle together.
- Count the number of Easter egg cookies on the sign.
- Enter the number of cookies you found in the comments below.
The prize...
Four correct answers will be randomly selected and each winner will receive a $5 Amazon gift card.
Have fun and a wonderful holiday!
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